The estimated number of pounds of food that get thrown away in the United States each year.
The number of men, women, + children in America who have substandard diets or must resort to seeking emergency food because they cannot afford the food they need.
The number of households in the U.S. with a yard or garden and the resources to produce enough surplus to make a significant impact in the fight to reduce hunger.
The number of pounds an average garden can produce in a year.
The number of meals each pound of produce can supplement.
The amount of hunger we could eliminate if we all gave a little extra.
What can YOU do?
Got a little extra? Get in touch with food banks and shelters in your area to find out when and where they accept donations.
Want to get involved? There are lots of ways for you to join the fight to end hunger. Check out our Get Involved page to learn more.
Since 2008, Harvest Now has expanded to 12 states and 112 prisons through a strong partnership with the Department of Corrections. Together we've produced over 4 Million pounds of food for families in communities that struggle with food insecurity, and every year we continue to expand our reach.
We work exclusively with State prisons.
We'd love to hear from you.